Holidays in Cabo San Lucas

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Christmas in Cabo is a truly unique experience that combines wonderful traditions with delicious flavors and exciting activities that will completely change the ways you make memories this holiday season. Learn about some of the great events, fiestas and interesting tidbits about how we celebrate the holidays here in Cabo – and how you and your loved ones can get in on the fun.

If you want to get a taste of the traditions which define the holidays in Mexico, there are many activities you can take part in. For example, in San Jose del Cabo, the downtown plaza is always lavishly decorated. There are art exhibitions and several restaurants around the plaza that get in the festive spirit with sparkling lights, eccentric decorations and odes to the most recognizable figures of our Christmas traditions.

Why confine your holiday enjoyment to one day when it’s meant to be spread throughout the season?  Welcome to Mexico where we love to celebrate and do so with the very best food, drinks and dance parties. Maratón Guadalupe-Reyes is a phrase often used in México to describe the month-long parade of holiday parties and festivities. From the lighting of the tree in Cabo San Lucas through to the lengthy celebration of Las Posadas, you will get your fill of the frequent fiestas, which take place in our eye-catching towns from December 12 (The Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe) through to January 6 (The Day of the Three Wise Men).

Attend Holiday Services at Parroquia de San José Del Cabo  If you are looking for something a little more “low key”, Our citizens pay homage to all aspects of Christmas and are extremely devout. That means, amidst the eating and drinking of the other Mexican holiday fiestas, you can find respite in attending holiday services in the beautiful Parroquia de San José Del Cabo. This spectacular place of worship was founded by the Jesuit priest Nicolás Tamaral. Not only will you be captivated by the awe-inspiring candlelit services, momentous singing and devotion, but the aesthetics of the church themselves are truly sensational.

Enjoy the Nine Days of Christmas with Las Posadas  Las Posadas last for nine days, from December 16th through the 24th, and commemorate the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Each evening, you will find candlelit processions leading toward house parties that emulate the welcoming into the “inn”. The celebrations culminate on Christmas Eve when these posadas typically end. After taking in the sights at the town nearest to you, you’ll be able to enjoy a fantastic meal within one of many restaurants.

Fill the Holidays with Laughter during Holy Innocents Day  In order to bring something like comedic relief to an otherwise dismal occasion, Mexicans celebrate something similar to April Fool’s Day on what they refer to as Holy Innocents Day. In remembrance of King Herod’s decree to massacre all male infants, you will find many people acknowledging December 28 in a variety of ways. Just remember, if someone fools you on this topsy-turvy holiday, they may have a traditional saying to send your way which emphasizes the importance of not lending anything lest you be tricked!

Light Up the Season with the Cabo San Lucas Nautical Christmas Parade  You’ve never seen anything quite like the Cabo San Lucas Nautical Christmas Parade. Watch as yachts, sailboats and other amazing vessels travel along the Bay before your very eyes. Each boat is uniquely decorated and always covered in astonishing lights. This is a must-see event for our holiday guests, and we know you and all your loved ones will absolutely love it.

Celebrate New Year’s Eve with Your Toes in the Sand   Spend your New Year’s Eve sipping delicious cocktails, including Mexico’s seasonal favorites such as Christmas Punch, Noche Buena beer and Rompope. Dress up with your loved ones and indulge in an upscale dinner anywhere in town and then head to the beach for an unforgettable firework show. Fireworks are a big part of our way of welcoming in a New Year, so you will be seeing the sky lit up for as long as you choose to cheers to a wonderful January 1.

Plan your winter getaway in Cabo and discover for yourself how we make Christmas sparkle unlike any other region.

Book your stay in Cabo San Lucas and allow the team at Vacation Homes Cabo to help you pick and choose which aspects of the Christmas season you want to partake in.  See you soon!